Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Thursday 11th November 2021

Event Details

Time: 10.30am

Venue: York Street

Cost: Free

Remembrance Day is the anniversary of the Armistice that ended fighting with Germany in World War I. People around the world observe 1 minute’s silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month because the Armistice came into effect then. It’s also a special time to pause and reflect on those who died in all wars, conflicts and operations.

On Remembrance Day, we acknowledge those who have served and continue to serve our country.

Join the Albany RSL for this year’s service at 10.30am on Thursday, 11 November on York Street.

For more information, please contact Albany RSL Special Functions Chairman Michael Tugwell on 9844 3797 or by emailing